Prepare for the workshop: 

gather Important documents & information

Make an appointment:

Our free citizenship workshops currently require appointments. To make an appointment, call one of our multilingual hotlines and leave a message clearly stating your name and contact information.

English: 415-662-8901
Spanish: 415-662-8902
Chinese: 415-295-5894
Filipino: 415-498-0735 
Russian: 415-754-3818

Someone will call you back and ask you a few screening questions, then confirm your appointment. We thank you for your patience as we field many calls.

What To Bring:

Your green card and all current and expired passports

List of addresses, work and schooling (last 5 years)

List of trips and dates outside the U.S. (last 5 years)

Information of your current spouse, ALL prior marriages for you and your spouse, and ALL your children (name, address, date/place of birth, date/place of marriage, SSN, immigration status and A#, if any)

If you have been arrested: Bring ALL arrest and court documents, even for dropped charges and expunged records

Application Filing Fee: Check or Money Order for $725.00 made out to “US Department of Homeland Security” (if 75 or older, the fee is $640), UNLESS you qualify for a fee waiver*

*Fee Waivers: You must bring recent written proof that you receive public benefits, like SSI, Medi-Cal, food stamps, WIC, CalWorks, cash aid, general assistance, etc. To see if you are eligible for a fee waiver or the reduced fee for the naturalization application, use this fee waiver calculator

Men only: If you were living in the U.S. between ages of 18 and 26, please bring evidence of Selective Service registration if you have it. You may verify registration at, or 888-655-1825

Helpful Tips to Prepare for our Workshops:

Download our Citizenship Application Preparation Form

Keep your documents with you throughout the workshop.  Don’t leave them unattended or with a volunteer

Bring your own interpreter.  This will speed up the process and reduce wait times

Remember your Participant Number (this will be provided to you upon registration)

If you change your address, inform USCIS within 10 days

Browse the Document Library


Contact one of our immigration provider organizations or leave a message on one of our multilingual hotlines:

English: 415-662-8901
Spanish: 415-662-8902
Chinese: 415-295-5894
Filipino: 415-498-0735 
Russian: 415-754-3818